Our team of scientists, engineers and researchers have worked tirelessly to produce this scientifically accurate tool designed to tell you just how likely you are to survive a zombie apocalypse. Take our test now to show yourself and the rest of the world that you can survive a zombie apocalypse (or can't as the case may be).
We have scientifically determined that survivors can be grouped into one of 123 survivor "types" ranging from the extremely rare "Unstoppable Survivor" type to the unfortunatly much more common "Walking Zombie Meal" type. Find out your type today and plan your apocalypse accordingly.
On starting the test you will be asked a series of scientifically formulated questions designed to gauge your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual preparedness for a zombie apocalypse. Some of the questions may seem unusual, but rest assured these all contribute to the scientific algorithm this test is based on.
To prevent fraud and inaccuracies, all answers are final. Attempting to go back and change an answer will reset the test. Choose your answers wisely.
Obviously we cannot share the exact workings for our algorithm. Based on synthetic and real world data using our quantum composite entanglement (QCE) computing resources we are currently seeing an accuracy of 95.34%. When we finally upgrade our systems from windows 95 we expect this accuracy to rise to 97.89%.
Information around data collected, algorithmic workings and QCE logs are available within our restricted area for authorised personnel. Users detected to have an abnormally high survival probability will be automatically issued partial access to this area.
For any further queries please use our official forum. Here our head scientist, Bill, will be able to enlighten you further.